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How to carry out anti-corrosion engineering for old equipment?

發(fā)布時間:2022-11-26 16:06:21      點擊次數(shù):142

The common reason for rust on steel, mechanical equipment, and metal grinding tools is that the metal surface is exposed to the air without rust prevention treatment, and chemical reactions occur when it comes into contact with oxygen and water in the air, generating iron oxide (commonly known as rust).

The traditional rust removal methods mainly include:

(1) Manual rust removal. It is mainly a method of using a hammer, shovel, knife, wire brush, and coarse sandcloth (paper) to treat metal surfaces with rust and meet the requirements of rust removal.

(2) Electric tool rust removal. Also known as semi mechanical rust removal, it is mainly a method of using wind (electric) powered brush wheels or various rust removal machines to treat surfaces with rust and meet the requirements of rust removal.

(3) Spray or jetting rust removal (also known as sandblasting rust removal). Mainly through the use of oil-free compressed air (or high-pressure water).

(4) Chemical rust removal (also known as acid cleaning rust removal). A method that mainly uses inorganic dilute acid solution to brush (spray) and soak rusted metal surfaces to achieve the purpose of rust removal. Iron is prone to electrochemical corrosion in salt water.

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